The last of her kind - H. barbouri in my 37G

Greg Hiller

BRS Moderator
Staff member
BRS Member
My last giant seahorse died a few days ago. I raised this and the other 7 horses from babies born back in Dec of 2000. I feel pretty good that this one lived as long as it did, I think pretty close to, or exceeding the typical lifespan in the wild. I've slowly lost the 7 horses over the last 2 years or so, I think mostly to old age, but I probably lost 2 of the males to pouch infections that eventually spread to their swim bladders.

Just thought I'd let you all know, as many have been to my place and seen them.

I might try again in the future with some of the tank-raised horses that are now available. When I started with these seahorses, tank-raised horses were NOT available. I even had a hell of a time finding frozen mysis back in those days. I have a vivid memory of having to order the Pycine Energetics mysis direct from Canada (a huge volume at once) and bring it myself though customs, then store it in a minus 80C freezer at work! Now the stuff is available all over.
sorry to hear that Greg,talk to littlep he had some little one's brewing when i was down there...
Wow, you kept them a really long time, especially considering the "unknowns" and "unavailables" back then. I love to have seahorses but my wife has drawn a line in the more tanks :(
Sorry to hear that Greg. Sounds like you had success over the years with a specimen many won't (wouldn't) try