Top 10 things that will happened when you start being a reefer


Senior Meatologist
Thought this would be cool if everyone posted the top ten things that will happen when you start reefing!

1. U will flood your floor with ro/di water and tell your significant other that you are just mopping really well.
2. u will have a dedicated shelf in the freezer for just "fish food"
3. u will mysteriously organize your vacations around other pet stores in that local area.
4. You will spend 100.00 and many tens of hours changing the substrate from argonite to sugar sand in your 90 gallon tank just so that you can have those cool sand sifting gobies and starfish.. :)
5.people think you paint for a living because you have 10 to 15 buckets laying around the house.
6.You can pick up a fish at the LFS and then pickup some fried haddock at the local seafood place all in the same trip, without thinking its ironic.
7. you can drive for an hour to 3 different reef places to save 3.00 on a reef sock.
8. you will mentally do an interview of possible people to fish sit your reef tank.. but will give your cats a big bowl of food.. some water.. and not think anything of it..
9. You will have bionic hearing.. no matter whats on tv and how loud it is you can hear a small mj600 top off pump sucking in air three rooms over.. but for the life of you .. you can't hear your fiance tell you about their day sitting one foot away from you.
10. you become a magician!!! how the heck did i install that 23 inch tall skimmer in the under cabinet that is 18 inches tall in that 12 inch sump.. How did you do that? Even Houdini would wonder!!

Have a great labor day!
haha! that is a great post
#12 - you will have to go around to the neighbors homes and either tell them about your fish tank.. or better yet invite them over to see it... purple lighting suddenly flooding from a room in the home tends to look suspicious to people that are not familiar to salt water fish keeping
#13 "look, there are a big clown fish and a small one, Must be Marlin and Nemo, what a father/son outfit..."
#14 You suddenly become VERY bad at math, because you can never, ever, EVER add up to a total what you've spent on your reef.
#15) You will often find yourself going thru your box of goodies and saying "Oh, I already have one of those" or "Oh Yeah".
haha! that is a great post
#12 - you will have to go around to the neighbors homes and either tell them about your fish tank.. or better yet invite them over to see it... purple lighting suddenly flooding from a room in the home tends to look suspicious to people that are not familiar to salt water fish keeping

That's funny,I say that to myself everytime I look at the picture window while pulling in my driveway at night.:D
#16 You find yourself rubber necking as you drive by just to try and catch a glimpse of that fish tank that you know is just beyond that purple glowing window....
#17 Explaining to non-reefers just how much money you spent on "Rock", and why. Only to get those funny looks that seem to say "you are a whacko".
#20) You get a birthday card from your friend/family that as let say twenty-five buck in it. The card read, “Name the new fish after my name” and you smile and say to your self “thank you for your donation to the electric bill”. Honestly you say, “Yes I will” with a smile.
#20) You get a birthday card from your friend/family that as let say twenty-five buck in it. The card read, “Name the new fish after my name” and you smile and say to your self “thank you for your donation to the electric bill”. Honestly you say, “Yes I will” with a smile.
At $25 they can pick the first name but the middle is still up for grabs
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