trying to figure out a protein skimmer......


I apologize for what may be the silliness of this question but I am baffled. I am in the process of setting up a sump for under my display tank. I have a 20 gallon tank as the sump and have three baffles in it for a bubble trap. What I can't figure out is how exactly does the protein skimmer work? Am I correct in that the water comes down the tube and then goes into the Sump area where the Protein Skimmer is and then the skimmer suck it up into the funnel? or does a hose goes from the DT right into the Protein skimmer? Next after the water comes out of the Skimmer does it come out? I used to have a HOB skimmer and there was a piece of plastic that the water would flow down and back into the tank. How does it work with an insump skimmer? where does the water come out and how does get over the baffles in the bubble trap?

I apologize for these question but any assistance would be greatly appreciated as well as any reccomendations.
That is somewhat helpful. I got a used Reef Octopus Skimmer with a pump attached to the bottom hole on it. I guess my confusion is whether the skimmer and the pump sit in the sump and the pump pulls in water into the skimmer and then goes out the part on the side? Or does the water come in from a tube from the display tank and goes into the side of the skimmer and then the pump pulls the water out of the skimmer and shoots it out?
I am not sure of the Reef Octopus Skimmer but the pump attached at the bottom is a Octopus Turbine Pump, OTP-2000. Model
If that is any help.
Can you post a pic of the skimmer? Sounds like it may be like mine that goes in the sump
skimmer and the pump sit in the sump and the pump pulls in water into the skimmer and then goes out the part on the side?

^ that is correct. The pump blasts water and air into the skimmer body, then the water exits through the pipe on the side of the skimmer. The exit on the side of the skimmer should either have a valve, and or a pipe that goes up (to control the height of the water in the skimmer.)
Is this the skimmer? If so it is a hang on back model. They are made to hang off the back of a sump less tank.
I have taken pictures of the skimmer but am having trouble posting them to the site. I will try to. I does not look like the one above. It definitely is one that sits in a sump and has the pump with it. So I guess the pump takes in the water as you said and then pumps it into the skimmer? The issue that I have with it is that the side or output tube looks like it has been modified so the output is a bit of an issue? Amy thoughts on on a good skimmer? I have a 55 gallon.
Or the bigger question is that the tube which sends the water down from the tank is not directly connected into the skimmer. It just flows into the chamber and is pulled into the skimmer from there?
The most common set up is for the skimmer pump to pull water directly from the sump and mix it with water as it blasts it into the skimmer body.

Try e-mailing me a pic and I'll see if I can post it for you.
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