tunze 7095 help


I can not find my owners manual and I want to use the night control have no idea what I am doing. I have the moonlight that comes with the controller is that also the light sensor and how do I use the night mode to lower the flow. ANy help appreciated
On the 7095 the top left red button is the food timer the top righ blue button next to where it says moon light and night timer controls those 2. press that button and whichever option has an indicator light lit up next to it is what will be on. You want the light next to night mode to light up. If you want the moon light as well then you want that indicator lit as well. Just keep pressing the blue botton until it shows what you want.

I have done that but I do not see a difference in flow. Was not sure if I had to program anything else. If I chose the night how much flow does it use is it a preset option that can not be adjusted?
The moonlight is also a light sensor and will cut the pumps back to the minium flow setting when the lights go out.If your bottom dials are set to 30% and your top dials are at 100% when the lights go out it will run the pumps at 30%.Hope this helps.
that makes sense

now I know what the dirrence between top and bottom are
