Weekly Poll: Hobby Involvement

Which months are you more involved with this hobby?

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Please comment below which months you're more involved in this hobby.
I chose the fall and winter months as there are less things I'm interested in to do outside.
As a teacher summer vacation and start of new year (after mid year). That’s upkeep of my own tank and more active on the forums
I guess I developed Obsessive-compulsive disorder toward coral. This is not a hobby, it is a disease.

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Every month. However, I am probably more intune with the tank in the winter due to less activities. Maintenance stays the same year round and purchase of fish, coral and equipment is more based on what my tank is telling me rather than time of year.
Late fall/winter is when I'm usually most involved. But I love the underwater world so much, I spend at least a few minutes every day peeking in on them even in the busiest seasons of my life.
“The importance of viewing nature, especially animals, appears to be deep-seated into the human psyche,” says Alan Beck, professor and director of the Center for the Human-Animal Bond at Purdue University. Humans understanding and appreciation for the natural world, and our preference for natural environments, could be the product of biological evolution. He refers to the attraction as the biophilia hypothesis, coined by American biologist E.O. Wilson, which describes our innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes.”


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