What do you use for emergency power back up?


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
I have a generator for big power outages... BUT I need to be at home to start it... I should be able to get to my house in 6 - 8 hours of a power outage 98% of the time. What do you fellow reefers do in New England to ensure power / water movement to your tank for the short term? say 4 - 8 hours?

I just researched the Vortech battery pack - 165 pricey but the cost of a tank wipe out... and then you have to purchase a vortech pump WOW pricey - 285 for their pump?

Suggestions / reviews of battery packs?

It depends on what need but these APC back up battery should be able to handle the powerhead for many hours. However, plugging your heater will drain the battery pretty quick(depending on size).

I bought one of these before Irene(? the one that badly hit Vermont) and it already saved the tank worth many times than it. But I have to be home to crank it. We are looking into a natural gas auto generator for the whole house but not sure when we'll ever think it's worth the money.
I APC 1500 UPS computer battery backup... much better than that Vortech battery pack.
2HP Generator.jpg

The club has had raffles that included one of these puppies in past.

Maybe they will do it again for the Oct and Nov meeting. :)
Pen plax B11 battery pumps are priceless in a pinch. $15, they turn automatically when the power goes out, and a pair of batteries will last a full day if not days.

That or buy a proper generator and your power will probably never go out again :)
Pen plax B11 battery pumps are priceless in a pinch. $15, they turn automatically when the power goes out, and a pair of batteries will last a full day if not days.
This. If nothing else, they'll keep you aerated until you're home to get the generator going. I actually only use the air pumps but am on a very consistent power grid.
It has been a good 1.5-2 yrs since the club had a speaker on best practices for different disasters.


I want to say Greg Hiller gave a good talk and we had a sponsor come in with battery backup aerator
I really should mount them somewhere and hook them up. For 6-8 hours these will do the deed

YES you should hook them up! The cost is prohibitive for me on 2 separate tanks. I just watched a video re: a tank crash and was inspired to take action. As I have a generator I thought I would be covered. But it occurred to me that the power could go out and I could be stuck in traffic trying to get home... I need something for a few hours UNTIL I can start the generator:

Pen plax B11 battery pumps are priceless in a pinch. $15, they turn automatically when the power goes out, and a pair of batteries will last a full day if not days.

That or buy a proper generator and your power will probably never go out again :)

Thanks John! We have 2 proper generators - power always goes out up here in NH : ) The Pen plax B11 battery pumps seem to fit my needs perfectly.

THOUGHTS: I have a 75 gallon Reef would one airstone be enough to keep it alive for 4 - 6 hours?? I will attach one to my 48 gallon reef and at $15 I will also attach one to my 50 gallon freshwater tank!

anyone have experience with this working?

One airstone may be too little for a 75 gallon.
A cheap Jebao PP8 (~60 on Amazon) with their battery backup (~$100 on Amazon) with keep your 75 gallon alive for a day or more.
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