what is the difference between picasso clownfish and a semi-picasso?

I always thought the grades (a , b (semi) and c) were dependent on how many stripes of the fish touched and on how many sides, 1 or both sides of the fish.
Someone correct me if i'm wrong

Grade A: = 3 stripes touching on 2 sides
Grade B: = 3 stripes touching on 1 side
Grade C: = 2 stripes touching on 2 sides
just the pattern is diffrent. i went with semi-picasso. i now have 2 and they are deffiently beautiful :)
Here are my semi-picasso, they looks like cows.
My yougest daughter called them cow fish.
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Yes, they are mated pair. They have no interested in the RBTA but choose to host in a brain coral.
Going on what I read on Donisreef,( which is a pretty reputable breeder)

Grade A will have at least 2 stripes connecting on both sides (maybe all 3 stripes connecting

Grade B will have 2 stripes connecting on 1 side or maybe none connecting at all but close to connecting and

Grade C are just misbars

I am not sure if ORA grades them the same though. Anthony's ratings seem better to me but I am just going by what I read at Doni'sReef. It may depend on the breeder.
Then what do you think mines are.
They are the same on both side as seen in the picture.
For what its worth, I think the markings themselves and the amount of white and black is what makes them, I have seen striking ones with no stripes actually connecting that blow away some that I have seen that have all stripes connecting.
Those 2 above are beautiful by the way.
I cant tell if you have any connecting stripes, but if any 2 are touching on even 1 side they would be B grade piccaso's. If none are touching but are close, like it looks to me, then technically they would be C grade or Semi piccaso. I think they are awesome nonetheless. Even if they are C grade, there's still a good chance they could breed some grade A offspring as the bars are close. I have seen a pair of B grades that produced snowcasso offspring which are all 3 stripes touching on both sides and are mostly white with some black and orange.
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The amount of black and white is large on these two, only orange is on their fins and face. They really look like milk cows.

I don't have the time and skill to breed them despite my wife and kids want to see some baby cows.
My cow fish in their new home.
They finally host the RBTA last night.'
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