what is the easiest way to download pictures to my posts,having trouble lately

Just re size them with your picture viewer. You could go online and get the free version of photoshop and use that.
If you resize them as turbosnail mentioned, they have to be 150K or less. Then you can use the 'Insert Image' button in the toolbar when you're entering/editing a post to directly upload it to the forums.

There is a maximum of 5 images per post (this includes the smiley faces).
I have always had luck with managing pictures with an online source like photobucket. They have a one click copy image function that works well.
I have always had luck with managing pictures with an online source like photobucket. They have a one click copy image function that works well.

This is what I use also, but the picture needs to be under 150k otherwise it will not show and will be a link instead. I use Lightroom to organize my pics, I have a preset for this site that when it exports its a certain dimensions and file size, I believe that others like iPhoto and maybe Picassa can do the same.