what is the purpose of a sump?

It's a place to hide all of your equipments. More water volume and cool the tank about 2-3 degree on the size.
what does more water volume get you. Im sorry for asking such stupid questions but im new to reefkeeping and am setting up a 75 gal now and want to do it right but i didnt knwo if it is something that i need because im trying to keep it as inexpensive as possable(if thats possable).
More water volume=easy to maintain stable parameters. I can not live without a sump. I cant see all of my equipments being in the display.
If you want to go with a sumpless route, talk to Dong(dzts or somethin like that). I think he runs every tank sumpless.
These are the thing that I think make a sump worth it:
#1--Hides unsightley equipment

#2--Adds more water volume which helps with heat spikes and all around stability

#3--The water flow into the sump aids in oxygenation

#4--I use a compartment in my sump as a refugium, and another to put bags of carbon in from time to time.
this is me said:
If you want to go with a sumpless route, talk to Dong(dzts or somethin like that). I think he runs every tank sumpless.
I have one tank that has a sump.;)
Little sump now, bigger sumps coming when I finally get together with NeO
I hide a lot of my toys in it, Skimmer, heater and so on... I also use it as a Refugium in my middle compartment, also is a pit to toss the hitchhikers I don’t want in the main tank and it adds a good 20g to my total.