what was lost now is found!!!


on thursday i put a margerita snail in my over flow box. i ussually use this one specific snail in the box. he makes his way back and forth through the u-tube and really does a pretty good job of cleaning the entire thing himself. anyway, i completely forgot that i took to pre-filter off of the over flow box. all my plumbing was "open" for anything to get in. when i couldn't find my snail on friday night the first thought was he found his way into the the plumbing for sure. i paid close attention to the flow out of my tank and it wasn't slower than normal so i just left it at that. he'll make his way out i thought. today i shut off my pumps to look down into the plumbing....i couldn't find him in there and he still wasn't anywhere in my tank. tonight i found the poor little guy under my tank stand on the floor. shell dried but he was still alive inside. i put him in my tank and he started to move a bit with in his shell but hasn't yet come al the way out....i hope he makes it he has been very good to me....anyone else have experiences with "tough" snails?

He might make it. Some types of snails spend time out of the water baking in the sun at low tide.

I had a cerith snail in a skimmer I was repairing. Brought the skimmer to the shop I was working at, did a small repair, then stuck it in my truck for two days. Well it was November I think and it was very close to freezing those two days. Finally I brought the skimmer back in my house and noticed the snail in the bottom. It was totally closed up tight. I put it in a small cup in the tank and forgot about it for a day or so and it came out and started eating like nothing ever happened. Still have it somewhere.
I had a freshwater snail that would escape weekly, he was missing for three days once... found him in the next room
well i have to say that the snail is still alive. he isn't up to par yet but has shown movement!!!! he is my new "tank hero"
