What's safe around a reef tank to make things smell better?


Just like the post says, if I have a closed door to my in-wall, what can I have to make things smell better, foo-foo like smell better, around my pool table?

Does anyone allow smoking near their tanks?
A little kalk paste in the skimmer seems to improve things the most. Really stops the need for the clothes pin on the nose when dumping the skimmer.
Unfortuantely I am a smoker and if you ask anybody who has seen my tank, they would say it looks as healthy as can be.

I also have candles that do not create an issue.

I did have one experience with incents where my corals had bad reactions at the same time, but I was just starting out so I can't say if I had done something else wrong.
my issue is I had indoor-outddor carpet in my reef-room prior to setting things up. Numeous spills, eg RODI 15 gallon spills....get that musty basement smell.

My whole basement is finished, somewhere around 1500sf....can I burn candles in the other rooms away from the tank?
Would using natural citrus oil room fresheners be ok?(orange is the most common I've seen) It's all natuural-only containing the oil extracts?? Never thought about candles, incense and such around the tank..I'm a febreze-a-holic!
Unfortuantely I am a smoker and if you ask anybody who has seen my tank, they would say it looks as healthy as can be.

I forsee a nicotine "fish" patch :D
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