Where to buy RO water in FRAM.


Where to buy RO water in FRAMINGHAM

Hi, I just moved to framingham and am having a hard time finding a place to buy RO water. Any suggestions other than Tropical Isle?

Thanks in advance.
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how far is that from pepperell, I have some you can take...or buy if you are so inclined :) I always keep about 60G ready...
You can always get jugs of distilled water from Walmart (IIRC it's less than 50c per gallon) or some similar place.

I'd take 90 East and get RO water from Skiptons.

With advance notice, I could hook you up. I live in Hudson and work in Framingham.
THere are a bunch of us metro-west reefers here: Richard, JustDavidP, Neo, HeavyDC...