Who ate my yuma


I brought a yellow yuma on July 4th and left for a business trip next morning. When I returned on Friday, the yuma is gone and all is left is a piece of rock. I am so upset that I did not have a chance to enjoy the yuma at all. Any idea which of my fish is guilty of the crime?

1. Purple Tang
2. Bellus Angel
3. Joculator Pygmy Angel
4. Orange Diamond Goby
5. Fairy Wrasse
6. Pseudochromis
Chances are that none of the fish ate it.

It's possible that the ricordia yuma detached from the rock and is somewhere in your tank. It's happened to me. I found it when I was using a powerhead to clean up detritus in the rocks. The yuma I thought was long gone was blown out from behind the rocks.
I have had Ricordia detach a couple of times shortly after purchase, I think its more likely thats what happned.
