why do we call them chinese LED?


just curious why do we call those inexpensive LED (but reef capable) that are sold on ebay are chinese LED? Was it because they were made & manufactured by some company in China. or it's because they were made by Chinese?
So if a China company has a manufacturing in the US and are making similar LED light, would these lights be called Chinese LED too? Would Dong's new LED (still in R&D) be called Chinese LED too?
just trying to understand.

They are made in China, shipped to the US, and sold here by many different companies.

Reefbreeders are the same exact lights, but they test them, have a slightly different color layout, and put their sticker on them.

I have a Chinese unit on my tank, no problems at all, great colors and growth............and it was cheap.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe what everyone is calling "Chinese LEDs" are just non branded LED units bought directly from a manufacturer in China.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe what everyone is calling "Chinese LEDs" are just non branded LED units bought directly from a manufacturer in China.

I refer to my 120W fixtures as "Chinese LEDs". One is from Reef Breeders. They are all made in China as mentioned, though some are modified in the US.
I just bought 2 of these for my 90G: http://www.amazon.com/AQUAMANA-LED-...EAFQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404664877&sr=8-1 . Pretty sure they are made in China. There's a lot of misinformation out there on light quality and how it works. I'd suggest doing a bunch of research since most LED's fundamentally work the same way, a lot of the additional price you pay might be just extra margin.

Probably better to buy from a wholesaler online than go buy your own--I tried going to Ali Baba and custom ordering but since I was ordering one piece it was still pretty expensive.
The story started with a Chinese company called Taotronic, they made cheap led light with blue and white, same as those made by more premium manufacture such as CADlight ( they were made in China) anyway.

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Taotronic's cheap led made a big splash in reefer community just like those Jebao pumps did these days.

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and those taotronix take about 30 min per fixture to modify to whatever color variation one desires, you don't even need the LEDs with "stars", plain LED beads go into them and get soldered from the heatsink side, quite an ingenious design I would say. if you decide to modify them get the 3w beads, the drivers in those hings will burn 1w leds very fast unless both of the strings connected in paralel to the same driver contain only one type of LEDs.
i dont think chinese LED carry any liability on their product. Alot of things are made in china, but the owners are in US and they carry the liability on their product shall there be any issues. purchasing a "chinese LED" means the owners and the items are all chinese through and through. Lets just say if it starts a fire in your house, good luck calling up the chinese in china and complain, they might just give you the finger.

sure the chinese guy will argue even my keyboard is made in china, but it is a Dell so if this thing starts a fire in my house, my lawyer will file a claim against Dell for a product defect and collateral damage to my house. what is your chance of filing a claim against Tao Sing Ching in china?

Reef breeders are re-branded Chinese LED. same colors, but more expensive.

Chinese = Made in China
American = Made in the USA - althought most likely it means "assembled" in the USA, depending where the parts come from.
Reef breeders are re-branded Chinese LED. same colors, but more expensive.

Not exactly true. I haven't found another "Chinese" fixture with the same LED selection and layout as Reef Breeders. So at the very least they came up with what LEDs they wanted and the layout. Their customer service is also very good if you ever did have an issue.

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