Zoanthid Skirt length.


It seems my zoanthids have much longer skirts than others here.
Is there anything that causes Zoas to have longer skirts?
I find that light affects mine. I have one zoa that I fragged and many polyps floated down in different spots, so I have multiple colonies. The ones up top show shorter skirts, while the lower ones have longer skirts.

I'm not sure if it's flow though, because I have two different types of zoas next to each other, one has long, and one has short.
Nuno, I know you have more experience but do you think it is a huge number of factors?

Lineage, tank, light, flow, age.....
Nuno, I know you have more experience but do you think it is a huge number of factors? Lineage, tank, light, flow, age.....

Yes, definitely... flow was just my "best guess" at the time (based on the fact that those pink zoos in the other thread came from a tank with more or less the same light as mine). But it's definitely a combination of environmental factors, probably a mix of light, flow, and available nutrients.

I believe it has to do with the morph as well beside the possibility of flow, light and other factors. I have most of the zoas place near by to each others and some just naturally have the longer skirts than the others.