Zoas doing ok?


College Reefer
Hey guys, I have these zoa's that were really nice. And recently they have been going down hill and I dont know why. I've done several WC's and my water is checking out alright. I just woke up one day and they were completely different.

can someone help? Maybe suggest a dip that could work?

What exactly is the matter with them? If they're closing up all the time, it might be a sundial snail. Look for a tiny black and white snail, and just pick them off with a tweezers.
I'm losing a battle with a fungal infection right now. I've been reduced to 3 polyps from a 100-150 polyp colony.
I'm losing a battle with a fungal infection right now. I've been reduced to 3 polyps from a 100-150 polyp colony.

Did you try the Furan-2 cure from zoaid.com? Like I said before, seemed to work well, but my colonies kept getting reinfected by zoas I couldn't get out to put through it.
I actually gave up. Most of the damage was already done. I'm out a colony, but it was free so who am I to complain.
the zoas are now a different color and are not nearly as large as they are. It almost seems as if they are bleaching but I don't think they are because this seemed to happen over night. And I dont think its a color morph because all of the morphs I have seen the size of the polyp has never shrunk
Corals go through things. Sometimes my leather will look shrunken up for a few days then it's ok. Usually something is happening and afterwards it goes through a growth spurt. Unless this is happening for a week or more I would not be concerned. Are you dosing iodide? I dose SeaChem iodide at 1/2 the recommended dosage and my softies do better when I do so.
No i don't. Its a little 3gal tank so i think it would be hard to dose...would I need to pick up a kit to test for that if i do decide to dose?
They look fine to me ;)
the only thing I can say is it is probably being effected by the light
usually zoas will lighten in color under higher light and those palys in front look like they did ..

Both palys look great if you ever want to trade a few polyps for something else LMK
lighten up in bright color? I never heard of that. They seem to still be growing so I'm not over worried right now. Think it would be better to try to move them to my 24AP w/ 70w MH? They would be on the bottom of the tank, or almost, so the lighting may not be as strong...instead of 36w labout 12" above them
Zoas are notorious for color morphing under different light output and temps
whether higher or lower light and or kelvins. I have had zoas in the same tank under different area with the same lights and sometimes they didnt look anything like the same zoas ;)
If you like the way they look and they are healthy and happy leave them be if not try moving a few polyps around the tank to see where they look best ot the way you like them ;)