Algae outbreak with Prodibio -???


Hi All -

Wondering if someone can help here. I started using prodibio recently; I haven't changed anything else, but the more I use it, the more algae I seem to get! I'm trying to pinpoint the source and I can't think of anything else. I follow the dosing instructions - 1 BioClean and 2 BioOptim in a 90 gallon tank. Any thoughts??? Thanks!
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Your are adding a food source so what ever is the most prominent will out compete everything else for the food source

Are you sure it is algae and not Cyano

Most likely you are just dosing too much for your tank
If you cycled the tank as usual, Bioclean is not needed. BioOptim is nothing more than snake oil.
What they claimed:
- sulphur for proteins (not needed, pure snake oil)
- iron for plants and fish blood (can get your algae out of control)
- cobalt for B vitamins (toxic!)
- calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, molybdenum and potassium (snake oil x2)
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