Anyone interested in Oceanic salt group buy?

That would be OK but if anyone would like to show support for a store that sponsors THEIR club. Come pick up in person and check us out while your here!

Deadline is FRIDAY.

Armando 2
Piscevore 1
Daragon 1
JayG 2 (to be confirmed)

I'll post payment and pickup info later. Anyone else?
marco67 said:
That would be OK but if anyone would like to show support for a store that sponsors THEIR club. Come pick up in person and check us out while your here!

I see your point, however not all of us have the luxury of time. I live about 2 hours away, work six days a week and drive a 2 door sports car (no room for a bucket). So if someone can pick them up and bring them closer, that would be great.

I'm not saying that I'll never go down there, actually I really want to go and see your store. I've heard nothing but great things about your store. :)
It's tought for me to get to Chatham also, 260 miles roundtrip! As much as I want to get down there to check out the store it's tough to come up with any free time during the holiday season.

Also due to the holiday's I will be in for only one bucket rather than the two I orginally thought.

Thank you

Deadline is FRIDAY.

Armando 2
Piscevore 1
Daragon 1
JayG 1
damoly 1
Total (so far): 6 buckets

I'll post payment and pickup info later. Anyone else?
and I have no problem with someone picking up for you guys.
Only trying to subtly (or not so) point out the spirit of sponsorship and group buys :D
Is this group buy still alive, over or dead? I responded on 11/21 but not sure what the status is? maybe I missed it or maybe their is bucket waiting for me somewhere?
I received a PM from Ray letting me know he had my bucket of salt. You may want to check with him if you haven't heard from him.
If there is an extra now and your looking for someone to take it. Please PM me.


"Is this group buy still alive, over or dead? I responded on 11/21 but not sure what the status is?"

Pretty obvious what happened here, but I've gotten a couple of PMs that pretty much sum it all up.
here are two:
I responded to the thread started by Armando for an Oceanic Group buy in which you offered to supply the salt. I didn't hear anything for a while and then I received a PM from Ray letting me know he had my salt. I assumed that he picked up the salt from you and was told no different. I just noticed today that the salt was shipped to a Peabody address and not your store.


Thanks for clearing that up for me Marc. What they did was just plain wrong. After that move they pulled I've lost respect for those two. Very sleazy way to do business if you ask me and that will be the last business i ever do with them.
I do not see how it is sleazy if someone ordered salf from me. I didnt go behind people to do it and Marc even had a better price then me.
"I do not see how it is sleazy if someone ordered salf from me. I didnt go behind people to do it "

I didn't figure you would Ray He must have been confused about where the PM came from. ;)
someone called me and placed an order what should I have done marc?
Sorry if it seems like I went behind you as that was not the intent
Also I am sending you a PM on another issue :)
Thanks for clearing that up for me Marc. What they did was just plain wrong. After that move they pulled I've lost respect for those two. Very sleazy way to do business if you ask me and that will be the last business i ever do with them.

Now that it has been publicly posted i am very curious who this is and where the confusion came from.

Ray and myself got from the thread that no one was able to drive down to the cape in time to pick it up so ray and I ordered it for people closer to boston. Theres No way would I would try and "pull sleazy moves" around Marco or anyone else.
Marc has been a very good, long time friend and an upstanding reefer. I have had nothing but great things to say about his store and his character.
FWIW i think he even posted that he still had salt left over from his grand Opening for anyone willing to make the drive down for cheaper that what we could even buy it for.

John has us both beat on $$.
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