Anyone use Oceanic Salt?


Futurely (*&^#%(@*%
Going to buy a bucket of salt tommorow and saw that Petsmart has both I/O and Oceanic. Wondering if anyone has experience with Oceanic good or bad.
Ive tried Oceanic a couple times, most ppl it seems really like the stuff but my experience with it: I really dont care for it.. dont see the growth and I didnt think my corals polyed out enough when I used it.. Ive gone back to Red Sea Pro for RO water with a small mix of IO in it.. I really like this mix and think it holds PH better with less mag additive over the long run..
Just my 2cents worth.
Well, i used it when I was first setting up my tank. I had the brown crud that others were experiencing at the time. I thought it was just natural cycling, not trying to bash the product. Miraculously, it all went away when I switched to Tropic Marin. coincidence? maybe.... All I can say for sure was that the CA was high and the ALK on the low side.
Oceanic salt is dried sea water, IO, reef crystal and Tropic marine are synthetic blend salt.

Oceanic had bad batch before. Some on RC reported that it contained bad stuff (dead plentons) before.
Thanks for the info. Never thought switching salts would be a big decision, but this is the first time I've kept corals, used to do FOWLR. I/O has been fine, just wanted to see if there was something I didn't have to supplement as much. With a 200 gallon bucket I'd be stuck for a long time since I just have an AP 24. Guess I'll take a look at RC and see if there are any more opinions.
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