Aquarium Gallery (wasted my afternoon)


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OK, I have the afternoon free, decide on a LFS visit. Hmm, haven't been to AG lately, maybe I'll give them a try. I check their forum to confirm hours exct..

This thread from 10 this morning seems to indicate that the store might be open today.....

I arrive at 5:30 today saturday (posted hours til 6 on saturdays). No one there, no note on the door, nothing.

Thank you very much for wasting 2 hours of my day and close to $20 in gas.

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They could have at least left a note.

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I've found that their hours are very unpredictable. Closed for snow, closed for Superbowl, etc, etc. I've been there two-three times when they were closed and should have been open.
At this point..AG is waste of time anyways. Nothing has a pricetag. so you have to go and get somone who is surfing the web to help you out.
i used to go for my inverts, but everytime i go there they've got basically just snails and hermits, i always call before i go to make sure they'll be open so i dont just waste my gas.
yeah i used to get my inverts there as well...until i got 2 dozen blue leggers and about 18 empty shells. haha
I've found that their hours are very unpredictable. Closed for snow, closed for Superbowl, etc, etc. I've been there two-three times when they were closed and should have been open.

At this point..AG is waste of time anyways. Nothing has a pricetag. so you have to go and get somone who is surfing the web to help you out.

i used to go for my inverts, but everytime i go there they've got basically just snails and hermits, i always call before i go to make sure they'll be open so i dont just waste my gas.

When you three customers come in please introduce yourself to me in person, and we can talk about where we might be falling short on expectations. As far as pricing goes I just checked all our tanks, and there is pricing on all of them.
Just to Clear up the invert issue if I am not mistaken: Snails, and hermit crabs are inverts. We try to carry basic clean up, or Safer clean up crew if you perfer that term.

As far as hours goes: Superbowl starts at 6 pm, and we close at 5 pm. on sundays :)
Yes during bad snowstorms we will close, and do post here when we do so. I don't want to put employees at risk of accident for hobby items. :eek:
We have had two early closing in the past 4 months. 1) lighting storm knocked out computer system for 2 days. 2) The night the gentleman in this thread is refering to. Is when or our water holding system of 200 gallons split causeing water damage to or unit, and the dentist next door. We we're next door dry vacing thier unit, and yes a sign would have been great but we were in serious panic mode. RayD was there to see the whole accident if further details need to be explained.:)

For those of you that don't know the gentleman that started this thread has a $25 Credit on the books for his trouble and I am sure he will update this thread with that resolution being done by the store.

Once again we thank your loyal customers, and business has been incrediable the past few weeks. lots of exciting things to look forward to!

See you soon :)

Ps: If you have any more comments please Pm them for we won't be adding anything further to this thread.
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Well I'm witness to the RO flood that Saturday and can attest to the fact that cleaning it up was no fun. I know because I was a part of the cleanup!
I have always had good experiences in the store and have always been met by a friendly staff. Luckily I have never been there on one of the few times they did have to close early. (Hopefully this thread points out that even if there is a valid reason, it goes a long way to let customers know what it going on with a simple sign ect.)

There prices are pretty competetive with other LFS and most of the time there is a pretty good selection. I do like the addition of the small tanks in the center of the store as I have experienced first had how frustrating it can be to want a fish out of a big tanked stuffed with coral only to chase him around for 20-30 minutes or have him dive into the sand as soon as you open the cover. This was a great idea that was finially brought on board.

They also really helped me out about 8 months back when I had replaced MH bulbs and didn't acclimate good enough. Had a ton of corals bleach out and tank was real unhappy. They suggested possible supplimenting with amino acids while I was bringing up the the photoperiod from 3 hours to 8 hours. It worked so well that I am still dosing them to this day.

I would say as withy any LFS, if you are in desperation for a certain piece of equipment or drygoods to give them a call first as all stores do run out of stock from time to time, but they have usually had what I needed when I was there with very few exceptions.

As long as I continue to get good customer service as I have always gotten, I will continue to do buisness there. I do also understand that people have bad days and sometimes that is all we see here.
I can confirm that I was offered a gift certificate to make up for my time and gas.
I have been there many of times and have ALWAYS been pleased with the service and information and conversation with the employees. They have inverts galore they all have there own tanks. They are under a little construction right now but it’s to better the store, fish and corals that we all keep. As far as hours they are posted. In a snow storm I would have called to confirm that they are open. I say TAG is the place to go for your aquarium needs and wants. Keep up the good work!
I personally have never had a bad experience at TAG. I completely understand your frustration when you got there at the door was locked with no sign. Either way though, a sign would not have stopped you from taking the trip up. ;) Even if they posted a thread, chances are that you were already on your way. Marc is always willing to make up for short comings that are inevetible in any business at some point. There are alot of things planned up there, but some things need to be fixed first by ownership before Marc can move on and put these things in place. That Ultimate Frags tank is going to be sweet! The crazy low invert prices were brought back by popular demand also. The last time I was there they had 3 different hermits, 4 different snails, serpeant stars, peppermint shrimp, emerald crabs, conchs, which are all clean up crew iirc. If there is something else you would like, ask them to get it instead of posting here that they only had limited stock available. Did you even ask(kotu100) why they were low? Everyone sells out and has to replenish at some point. This is all jmho of course. :)
I personally have never had a bad experience at TAG. I completely understand your frustration when you got there at the door was locked with no sign. Either way though, a sign would not have stopped you from taking the trip up. ;) Even if they posted a thread, chances are that you were already on your way. Marc is always willing to make up for short comings that are inevetible in any business at some point. There are alot of things planned up there, but some things need to be fixed first by ownership before Marc can move on and put these things in place. That Ultimate Frags tank is going to be sweet! The crazy low invert prices were brought back by popular demand also. The last time I was there they had 3 different hermits, 4 different snails, serpeant stars, peppermint shrimp, emerald crabs, conchs, which are all clean up crew iirc. If there is something else you would like, ask them to get it instead of posting here that they only had limited stock available. Did you even ask(kotu100) why they were low? Everyone sells out and has to replenish at some point. This is all jmho of course. :)

Actually, FWIW, this thread was posted the day before specifically encouraging people to come down for the weekend. I was going to call but saw this thread and assumed it meant they would be open;
I wasn't aware of that John and am in no way am implying that you were at fault in any way. You are one of the more patient people I've met, here or else where. Some times things happen outside of our control(meaning "our" as a whole, not TAG) and mistakes are made in desperate situations. I could only imagine seeing 100 gallons of water over flowing into the next door neighbor's space. I freak when I find a few gallons on my basement floor. The big thing I wanted to point out was that Marc was willing to make it right how ever he had to do it.
Sorry, if your hours are posted, you should be open, no excuses. Loosing a computer is no excuse. Snow is absolutely not an excuse. We live in the New England. Nothing more aggravating than driving to a store and finding them closed. Ever see Sears close due to snow? Nope. I live close but sympathize with the guy wasted $20 in gas.

I've been a loyal customer. Spent more money than most, so don't give me this holier than thou attitude. Your store is not the same as it was, why can't you take constructive criticism, and make it better instead of excuses. I predict, out of business in 6 months unless some serious changes are made.
Sorry, if your hours are posted, you should be open, no excuses. Loosing a computer is no excuse. Snow is absolutely not an excuse. We live in the New England. Nothing more aggravating than driving to a store and finding them closed. Ever see Sears close due to snow? Nope. I live close but sympathize with the guy wasted $20 in gas.

I have had great experience with AG. No complain there. The excuses the store given, to me at least, are ligitimate. During the storm, he does not want to remain open as he was being thoughtfull for his employee and the employee's family. I live in NE and i know how the weather is and what the snow storm is like. Sears open it's door during the storm because the items they sell can be critical need for those who in desperate need of items to battle the storm, such as snowblower, shevels, generator.........etc..... i dont see how an addict is in desperate need of something at a coral store that i feel i should risk my employee and his family to serve those addict.

I dont run a business, but i sure do know how frustrated it is to operate one. You can not please everyone, you can not make everyone happy. there will always be complain, words are cheap and people tend to use them freely, including myself. I support AG and i think they DO try their very best to please me when i was there. sometime they spent an hour answering my questions and i only walk out with $20 worth of items. in that $20 item how much profit was made for him to spend an hour with me? this is just one example. I support them and personally i wish them to stay in business so to compete with the big guys. Without them, i can walk into a big store and complain all day long and they would not care, they will probably throw me out of the store, let alone trying to please me. Do you know what i mean? Therefore, what you said is very harsh and very unfair.
I have to agree with PinkSkunk. You're being harsh and way over the top! Let me give you a little idea of my AG experience.

First I was a customer. Always treated great, given the best deals posssible, and always left there satisfied.

Second I accepted a job there and worked there all of last winter. I always treated every customer whether it was a $20 sale or a $200 sale with the same professional courtesy. I would answer questions, share my experiences, and NOT sell livestock if I felt the customer was not suited to provide the best possible care for the animal(s). I can't tell you how many customers pick your brain for an hour or more and then ask for six Astrea snails and that's it. Do you think we made anything on that $2 sale? Think about it.

Thirdly I am now a customer again and trust me I'm as cheap as the next guy, maybe cheaper! :rolleyes: Granted I know the management there but again even the new employees that don't know me treat me with professionalism. Not one complaint!

You're not offering constructive criticism, your downright bashing the place because for whatever reason you don't like the management. I know these guys and they are ALWAYS open to true constructive criticism. If the place closes because there's a major snow storm or the computer crashes and that's how the cash register is driven then it is what it is. Is it that big a deal that an LFS is open during a blizzard? C'mon man get real! Call ahead if you're driving some distance and if you're in the same town who cares?! Is it really that big a thing? It's a fish store! I work for a billion dollar enterprise and we close during bad snow storms.

That's my "vendor experience" with AG and that's that. I'm not biased as I frequent all of the LFS's in the 20 mile radius of my home and personally I think they're all great. Losing AG would be a huge blow to the hobby and would drive prices up across the area. Careful what you ask for, you just might get it!

Nothing personal just my personal experience.
Thank you to everyone that posted here for the kind words as well as the not so kind.:)

I am on board with the fact that excuses are unacceptable. The bottom line is that we are doing the best that we can for everyone. Some days may be a little off for shure, but the staff here at TAG is not a group of renegades out to make aquarium hobbyists lives miserable.

On multiple occasions I have asked that if someone had an issue that was not resolved or a problem, to please call the store or e-mail me. We have a small staff. That is something that is very different than it was before. A large part of this business is also aquarium servicing. My day starts at 8:30am and I don't get home until 9:30pm on a good day, so contact from customers beyond posts and pm's would be very much appreciated. I always do my best to take care of every customer equally and fairly. I am confident that those who have contacted me or come to see me in the store have been treated fairly and any problems fixed. I am sad to see that a very large percentage of the people that have problems with the store, staff or me have done nothing more than post. Again, I invite anyone who has a problem or even just a simple suggestion to contact myself or Marc directly.

The store # is 603-579-2782

My E-mail is

And my cell phone number is even clearly posted on the side of one of the service vans!:D

If you call the store during regular business hours it is certainly possible that you will get the machine. It is very easy for one employee in the store to get tied up with multiple customers, projects or other phone calls. Please call again if you don't get through or just leave a message.

I can't say enough, posts full of negativity are as useful to me as excuses are to you as a customer. There is far too much for me to do day to day for me to be able to try to make the store better by posting. I could be doing water changes and organizing shelves right now instead of typing, LOL!

I've been working in this industry for almost 15 years and those that know me in person I'm sure would feel quite confident that I will go well out of my way to fix a problem. Those that know me based on message board posts probably have no idea one way or the other. Call me old fashion, but I work best in person.

I will also say that I love the BRS and it is a great tool for hobbyists that we didn't have years ago, but from a business point of view I can't fix issues on it effectively. If you have not met me personally, please come and visit the store. If you have an unresolved issue, please come and visit me at the store and we will work together to resolve it.

Feel free to post about us here good or bad I'm fine with it either way. Just remember that we can't help you or improve the store sitting at a keyboard.

Thank you for taking the time to read this if you did! :)
