Asterinas - a rather weird request


Hey guys... is there anyone somewhat local to Franklin, MA that might be willing to donate a quanity of asterina stars to me? Seems my harlequin shrimp made short order of the population here and I'd hate to have to start feeding it chocolate chip stars. Anyone?
I'm in Tiverton, RI which might be a hike for you, but I've got hundreds of asterinas and would be happy to give you as many as you may like.
Thanks for the reponse! It is something of a hike (about an hour I'm guessing) but if I can't find anyone closer I'll take you up on the offer. Do you expect to be around over the weekend?
Hey guys... is there anyone somewhat local to Franklin, MA that might be willing to donate a quanity of asterina stars to me? Seems my harlequin shrimp made short order of the population here and I'd hate to have to start feeding it chocolate chip stars. Anyone?

it is likely that you will never be able to keep up with the supply
Possibly. Had I not cleaned the tank from as many as I could find not long before getting this guy I think he'd be having better luck. As it is he's finding several a day that I can see. Microscopically the tank and sump are loaded with juveniles. I'd just like to bounce the population a few times to keep things sustainable if possible as the smaller ones mature.
I am in Taunton and have lots in my 300 gallon I could get for you if you want to take the ride. PM me as I may be willing to ship a bunch to you in a small box when I send out some frags this week.
I do have a sump and they are down there doing their thing undisturbed. Periodically I'll pick out a few and add them to the DT.
My wife's tank had hundreds, put the shrimp in and within a month they were gone. Now we give it a sandsifter every two weeks. It's amazing how much the little guy's can eat
Thanks to ervyone who reponded. I found a really local source but will PM those of you who volunteered to donate when the population goes down. Thanks again. I love this community.