Aussie Sun Coral?!


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
I saw 2 frags of these at my LFS and was instantly set on them, havnt got my tank up yet so just wanna do some research on them before considering. Does anyone have any of these? Anyone have info on requirments like lighting, flow etc and is it a LPS or SPS im not sure about what determines a SPS or LPS.

they need NO light. One of the no light corals. Needs to be spot fed mysis or similar. It's a lot of maintenance but it's a beautiful coral. believe it's an LPS. Usually comes out at night and stays closed up during the day but not always.
also depends on when you feed it... if your consistent on feeding it at a certain time everyday it will automatically open up at that time thinking you would feed it.
they were way to expensive for me i just really liked them. Thanks for the info guys
Enjoy the Sun Coral. They are finicky but well worth the attention if you enjoy interacting with your tank. I target feed mine every evening and have gone from two heads to six in about 6 months. The frag is in the shade of an arch so no direct light. I've had a few of these over the years and they really need the steady medium flow but very indirect light is key. They thrive in shade and are stunning when healthy. Good luck and keep us posted on your experience. the more we share, the more we all learn right? :)
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