Bao's 120 Gallons Reef Tank


Hello Everyone,

Just want to post a picture of my 120 gallons reef tank. I transferred everything over from a 75 gallons that I had for about 6 or 7 years.


Yep. Its a Marine Betta, about 6 inches. So far its pretty peaceful, only chases other fishes out of its favorite spot when its about to go to sleep at 10PM. During day time, any fishes, small or big can swim into its cave. Its one of my favorite fishes
Thanks Nick,
I tried to use HoldFast epoxy from IO to glue the large colonies to the rocks but didn't success at all.
No matter how hard I tried, just didn't work out so well. I guess I have to try again because the zip tie looks really ugly.
Looking good!! I like the year update. Any problems? How things been running ?

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Thanks Nick and Owen,
My tank is very simple. I couldn't get the color to be really intense like those pictures found online but overall, the colors are okay.
The colors come and go and I don't really know why. So I guess that's one of the problem that I am always struggling with.
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