Burgessi Butterflyfish, Red Tail/Sargassum Triggerfish or Bluethroat Trigger


I realize these are two completely different fish, but i think I have room for one more larger fish and want something somewhat unique. I am torn between a Burgessi or a smaller red tail or blue throat trigger. I think I like the color of the red tail the best, but there is something about the Burgessi I like and it stays smaller. This is for a 125g with current "big" tank mates include a yellow and Kole tang and a cherub angel. Despite those fish it is a very calm tank. I do worry about the trigger getting too big or the Burgessi getting picked on. Barring a major death, this will be my last fish and way, way more than I normally spend so I want to get this right. Thoughts, comments, opinions?
No experience with triggers. But I think if you went with the butterfly, you'd want to pull your tangs out for the introduction, or totally rearrange the aquascape. Otherwise I would worry about bullying. Maybe an acclimation box would work or at least be worth trying first.
I have a pair of bluethroat triggers in my 220 and they are absolute model citizens. I previously had one for about 6 years and lost him when we moved. I had all kinds of inverts and coral, he never touched a thing or bothered other fish. I've had my pair now for a few months and the same can be said for them. If anything, they're quite shy but loaded with personality.
Thanks. That is the kind of feedback i was hoping for. I could do an acclimation box but have zero desire to rework the aquascape or remove/reintroduce fish. That is what I was worried about too with the butterfly.
Well I decided to pull the trigger for the trigger. It is a touch bigger than I wanted but it came up on liveaquaria. While I normally like to purchase fish locally, I wanted the 2 week guarantee that came with LA for something way more than I normally spend ;o)...

Well I decided to pull the trigger for the trigger. It is a touch bigger than I wanted but it came up on liveaquaria. While I normally like to purchase fish locally, I wanted the 2 week guarantee that came with LA for something way more than I normally spend ;o)...

Beautiful fish! Good luck!
Beautiful specimen! As having owned both a pink tail (currently) and a blue throat (previously) I would keep both lol. I have a 210 currently and I am working to get a bluethroat pair and a mate for my current pink tail. Fun fact pink tail triggers change color. Especially when they are stressed. Mine turned an emerald green when I moved him from my 90. Also frequently displays a nice orange color on his throat, and lets me pet him too.
Well, unfortunately he arrived in terrible shape. In fact I thought he was DOA, but noticed a very slight gill movement. Despite being convinced he was going to die any second, I acclimated him anyway and put him in my QT I had set up. After a few (probably at least 4) hours of floating and not moving, he actually got upright and swam a little. Still not sure if he will make it (probably won't), but he looks better. :(

Triggers do like to be sideways so might just be some kind of self defense mechanism ( play dead ) hopefully
Hopefully he pulls through. The 2 weeks guarantee is a nice back up though.
It has been two days and he (I keep calling it he, I have no idea...) is still alive and even is eating a little. Keeps eating the seaweed and veggie pellets I am trying to feed my angel that is in the QT with him. :eek:) Has some mysis too. Tomorrow will try some little bigger pieces of food.
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