Close call..


____LifeLongLearner____ BRS BoD
BRS Member
So a freakish thing happened last night and it could have gone extremely badly.

I’m doing some construction in my basement so everything in my fish room is a mess. I moved the bucket that my ato pump was in and the tube feeding the tank got pulled out of the sump and over time it leaked maybe a couple cups of water on the floor.

I was doing some plastering on a wall in that area where the water was, so I put one hand on the ground (in the water) and the other was on and off touching the metal corner trims you put on drywall so you get perfect corners on your walls. Every time I’d touch both, I’d feel a little bit of electric current on my fingers, nothing too crazy to shock me. Earlier in the day, electricians were doing some work on the house so I started wondering wtf they had done. Then I started looking for the source in the pump and other equipment area but didn’t see water anywhere else, all electric devices were dry. Then I had one hand on the ground (in the water again) and I put my other hand in the sump trying to check wires and I actually got zapped pretty good.

That’s when I freaked out and pulled out the volt meter. I started testing everything and realized there’s something wrong. Water in my sump with the grounded water had a current of 86v. I checked multiple other things and got different readings. Such as 30v on my chiller, 20v on my pump, etc... lastly, I check the Frag tank and I was getting 120v reading!!! Clearly the issue was in the Frag tank. So I started unplugging stuff and as soon as I unplugged the wave maker that had been making a little bit of noise, the current was gone. I couldn’t believe it. I was so close to losing everything in my system, including potentially my house..!

Lesson learned:
Check your equipment. When you see something starting to act up, do your diligence and check/replace it. Don’t wait for it to fail.

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Pheww. One nice feature of the new Apex are alerts for out of trends in electricity for devices plugged into the EB or attach to the Apex.
I agree, love that feature. My luck is I had the wave maker and lights plugged straight into another outlet because the electricians had turned off the circuit my apex was on. Sequence of unfortunate events that could have been so much worse. I’m still amazed at how lucky I was to catch it!

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I Also had this occur but with a couple months old uv sterilizer. I placed my hand in the tank to feed fish and got a good wack. I was curious as to how it would affect inhabitants seeing as though I was the conductor to ground and they seemed somewhat unaffected.

Good catchy. What type of wavemaker was it?

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What are the odds.. I was just thinking about posting my own story when I read this.
A VERY similar thing just happened to me yesterday.

I was about to change my filter sock, while walking barefeet (very unusual for me), when I touched the sock, I felt a farly strong tingle. Which of course set of all kinds of alarms in my head. tried touching a pvc pipe, same thing, strong tingle.
grabbed multimeter. 120 V going through the water.

bad maxijet 1200... I never touched the water, which I'm happy about.

I do have GFCI outlets, so I'm hoping it would have triggered upon me touching water, but who knows.

Safety first. Always.. Glad you made it through without too much hurt or damage as well!
What are the odds.. I was just thinking about posting my own story when I read this.
A VERY similar thing just happened to me yesterday.

I was about to change my filter sock, while walking barefeet (very unusual for me), when I touched the sock, I felt a farly strong tingle. Which of course set of all kinds of alarms in my head. tried touching a pvc pipe, same thing, strong tingle.
grabbed multimeter. 120 V going through the water.

bad maxijet 1200... I never touched the water, which I'm happy about.

I do have GFCI outlets, so I'm hoping it would have triggered upon me touching water, but who knows.

Safety first. Always.. Glad you made it through without too much hurt or damage as well!

Wow man that’s crazy!
Glad you and your sea creatures made it too!

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