Critter question


I have a Nigger Trigger in my 125 reef tank. I want to put some cleaner shrimp and crab in it. What do u think? thank rich
From what I've read, smaller trigger might be okay with shrimp but they tend to become more aggressive and predatorial when it get 4" or bigger.
from what I have read, fish to fish have different results and how much you feed plays a part in likelihood of leaving the shrimp alone.
It has to be pretty boring in a glass box and the triggers are a pretty intelligent fish so I am guessing boredom would play a part as well.

I had a Blue throat for a while and found the existing shrimp and such in the tank before he was placed in seemed to be left alone but anything new usually disappeared so if it's part of the environment when the nigger was added have a higher chance of being left alone but anything smallish and dropped in are likely to be seen as food.
I have had them a couple of times cool fish the first one when he left the store bag immediately dove to the bottom and ripped a hermit from its shell and had a nice meal, my second one never touched any shrimp or crabs. Both BTW were smaller fish.

So Instead of getting the shrimp. I went out to jays first and bought a nice piece of green brain coral and a Harlequin tusk. Then went to Oceans in a glass and bought some Nassurius snails and hermit crabs. See how long they last