Does anyone know where I can get a feather starfish

These stars are extremely hard to care for. They need to be fed multiple types of plankton foods a day. They are also extremely sensitive to water parameters. I would not recommend you getting one
+1 to the difficulty level. I bought one in October, and it's been a constant struggle. They are one of those creatures "best left in the ocean". Although mine is not losing arms, it is definitely shrinking in size, and I am constantly trying to find food for it to eat, which means my tank needs twice the maintenance to keep the cyano away. Although the utube videos of them moving across the tank are fun, mine picked a spot and never moved again so I can't tell if it's happy or not. If I had the choice, I would rather have my money back, but I know the lfs won't take it back for the same price. My advice is wait until more information can be gathered on how to take care of these things because I know I can't find any good sources.
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