Favorite jawfish species?


I’d like to add a jawfish to my tank, but I can’t decide on species. Does anyone have one they love? One they hate? Since they spend so much time in their burrows I’m mostly interested in them for personality, less about appearance.
They do stick out at least half their body and often time full body from their burrow so appearance does matter.
I love my blue spot Jawfish. Just not in the display tank with all the digging it does.
I had a great lemon head I got from All Things Aquatic. I was lucky enough to have him pair up with a crab and make their little dugout smack dab in the center front of my tank. I loved how he was always peeking out and easily viewed. After I cleaned my flow pump the current changed slightly and my Oolite sand accumulated at the entrance. Sadly he jumped before he found a new spot. Research seems to indicate his always peeking out was a sign he was intimidated by bigger or faster moving fish. My sailfin tang is a biggie but bothers nobody. I mention my experience to point out who a fish gets paired with can affect how things turn out and likely an overlooked topic. My advice.....be sure you have a tight fitting lid or cover with any jawfish. Mine found a hole the size of a penny in the cover and took a dirt nap. Aim for a calm tank with jawfish. Best of luck!
Blue spotted jawfish is my favorite one to have, I recently lost one over a powerhead accident:( he didn’t dig much jist found a borrow and and hang out half his body in there. Idk what made him come out of his home but I seen the whole incident happen. He just darted up to the middle of the tank and the current of one vortech pushed him in to the other one and that was that.