Getting Reef TV on air in your town


Stabbed by Foulke
A post from AbbotStJumper over on the RC site:
It's Time to get REEF TV on the air!!!
Attention All Reefers

Now that episode 1 is all set, we need help from everyone to get it on your local public access station. Most public access stations in the state are managed by Comcast and Comcast has a policy that program needs to have a local resident who wants to sponsor the show.

I am looking for a list of people and the city or town they live in, and hopefully I will be able to get your signatures at our next monthly meeting.


Peter Zawadzki

If you want Reef TV on your local access cable channel just list your name and town here. If you already responded over at RC, then you don't need to bother.
Jordan Halasz, West Newbury and a Comcast subscriber. I am not going to be at the meeting. Sign my signature and I'll swear by it.
Karen and Richard Strazdas, Westford, MA Comcast subscriber - May not be at the meeting. You can sign my name.
Paula Obuchon
Richard Kruszynski (subscriber)
Bedford, MA

I will be at the meeting only briefly - but can sign whatever is needed. Thanks!