Good Hang on Back Filter?? Any Reqs?

Hey Guys,
So A couple things, I'm running sumpless. I have a hang on back refugium. Keeps my water params good, but i have all these dang specs of crap floating around.

Can anyone recommend an EXCELLENT hang on back filter to clear this up? Or will anyone do.
I've always like the bio-wheel ones for FW setups and used one temporarily in a SW tank to clear up cloudniness but I wouldn't use it long term. I also wouldn't use a HOB filter long term either due to the potential nitrate factory they can become.

IMO I'd get a good quality HOB skimmer instead.

Also how much Live Rock do you have in the tank? I have just LR and a skimmer and my tank is crystal clear.

Another option you could try would be to put a sponge or some carbon in the refugium but as I said above I'd go with a good quality skimmer.
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