Has anybody seen these zoas before?


Saltwater OCD Victim
I found these two photos saved on my laptop from awhile back and IDR what they were called.

Anyone know what they are?
Does anyone have any for sale? I want!


EDIT: Went on ARC and found the bottom to be poinsettias. Anyone selling any?

Also, does anyone know where I can get this torch for less than the $100 they're asking on ebay??
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I have seen the poinsettias in person before, but they weren't for sale at the time and have since been sold. -_-

As for those white skirt zoas, never seen anything even semi-close anywhere in person or online.

And that purple torch with green mouth, well, i'm in love and must have it. Lol. If two people chip in with me we can each get a head of it for $30... Lol.
...still a rip off tho...
The white skirt zoas , Make me think there is some bleaching going on or deprivation of lighting.
Someone here must have some torches for sale and I am sure you will get a much better price.
You are right about the white skirt zoas. I used to have some and the skirt turned back to brown and the eye went back to green.
Torches are a dime a dozen and can be found anywhere, including here.

These aren't normal torches. I've never seen purple ones nor any morph with neon green mouths.

As for the zoas, i guess the white could be light deprivation huh? I have a red mushroom coral that lives under a rock cave and is white as a ghost so that makes sense.
IDK how it'd still have coloration in the pink area though?
The story did not end there. The whole cluster of zoas slowly turned all white later and melted away. i remeber someone who saw them in my tank and commoned on what a rare zoas they were because they were all snow white. I told her that they were dying.
Sad story. =[ Lol I was really looking forward to owning those. But the white does make an obvious point to the lack of zooxanthellae since it's not colored which would make it unable to feed properly.

Well never the less, anyone know where to get those poinsettia zoas or purple torches?
I can't believe your comments on that Torch...You even admit that you have never seen it before, but yet still complain about the price.... even as far as calling it a rip off.....I have been doing this on a professional level for over 21 years and have only seen a few of these. they are worth WAY more than he is asking for them. Last time I saw them available WHOLESALE they were $100 for a 4 head colony...wholesale...!
No worries, cause if you really wanted to see it, just swing by the shop next week it will be in my Elos... :) And if I ever frag it, I would never sell it for less than its value which is $50 per head...unless they start finding these everywhere, they are rare...gold and orange ones are even more common and there is not a ton of them around either...
I can't believe your comments on that Torch...You even admit that you have never seen it before, but yet still complain about the price.... even as far as calling it a rip off.....I have been doing this on a professional level for over 21 years and have only seen a few of these. they are worth WAY more than he is asking for them. Last time I saw them available WHOLESALE they were $100 for a 4 head colony...wholesale...!
No worries, cause if you really wanted to see it, just swing by the shop next week it will be in my Elos... :) And if I ever frag it, I would never sell it for less than its value which is $50 per head...unless they start finding these everywhere, they are rare...gold and orange ones are even more common and there is not a ton of them around either...
I thought the same thing
Sorry, I forgot I didn't have the right to my own opinion on this forum...
Not to mention I didn't know it was so rare that a price like that was justifiable.
No need for anyone to get bent out of shape.

Next time i'll just say IMO $100 is expensive for that.
It's a 3 head frag and when I said $100 it was actually even more than that.

Did you buy that actual frag I posted?
No need to apologize at all...didnt get bent out of shape, actually was laughing about it as I bought it. And of course we are all entitled to our opinion. I just really thought that in this case yours was way off so I voiced mine. I find it funny what some people value Fish and Corals at, especially on this forum sometimes...I wonder if people realize what goes in to making the saltwater business work...
At the end of the day are these Corals really worth anything??? Probably more than the lousy piece of paper backed by nothing that we spend on them....
It was dead/dying :)

We normally don't close threads unless there is a major problem. I read this one as a little speedbump that smoothed itself out.....
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