Hello all, new guy with a nano tank


hi everyone, my name is Tom and i am somewhat new to this hobby. i have a 10 gallon fowlr that has been set up for about 2.5 months. in due time i will be getting t5ho lighting and some coral ect. so far i have 2 young occellaris clowns 2 emerald crabs 5 nassarius snails, 1 astrea, one newly added skunk cleaner shrimp... only lasted 4 days and cant figure out why -_-
anyway! im excited to go to a meeting and meet some of you, hopefully i can help out and get some help!
Welcome to the hobby and the forums.

Was it just the shrimp that died or more? Did you acclimate it properly? (Temp and drip acclimation).

Fun meeting coming up later this month - Junkyard Wars!
I used bag in tank for one hour, remove half bag water, add half bag of tank water, remove more bag water add more tank water, then place him in all in all 2 hours i'd say. and only the shrimp, just removed a coral banded because he was attacking my clowns, he was healthy it appeared
Welcome Tom! Ill be moving my tank just a town over (medway) in a few weeks, once I get everything settled in I will get you hooked up with a few easy starter corals.