Help! Aiptasia on a maxima clam


You could imagine the horror that struck me today upon examining a the new maxima clam I put in my tank the other day. I have never had an aiptasia problem in this tank, however upon closer inspection today I found what appears to be several very small aiptasias growing on the maxima's shell. What should I do??! Since it is growing on the clam itself, that eliminates Joe's juice from the possibilities. Peppermint shrimp may be problematic because I already have a blood red shrimp in the tank (24g). Please give me some suggestions on how to deal with this problem.
Just pull him out and scrape off the aptasia,
rinse every bit of the scrapings clear and drop him back in.
Don't worry about him being out of the water briefly they used to ship Maximas dry with great success.
yea FWIW I'd rinse twice,
use a Tupperware with tank water to work in and have another ready for final rinse, just do the 2 step process.
Thanks guys. I did what you suggested and scrubbed the clam with an old toothbrush and tank water. Aiptasia seems to be gone for now and the clam is as happy as well... a clam lol.
Thanks for the Help,