Help Please indentifying disease or injured fish


I need help identifying a possible injured or sick fish. I came home today with a white spot on the base of its pectoral fin on my Kole tang and the fin in that area is being used minimally.. doesn't look like a fungus just looks like discoloration in the fins. The fish is acting normal except for the minimal use of that fin, still eating and grazing and have not been able to find anything in research online to diagnose what the Kole tang may have. With all that being said, I recently lost a reef chromis that wasn't using one of his fins for a few days, but no white spot on the base like my Kole tang. I don't think it's injury related due to any equipment, just an overflow and Korallia power heads are in the display tank. The other tank mates are: 1 flame angel, 2 reef chromis and 1 cleaner shrimp. The flame angel is not aggressive at all. 72 Gallon bow front, 79 degrees Fahrenheit, 8.1 pH, zero traces of ammonia and nitrates. Salinity is 1.023. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That is a sign of stress, mine gets the same issue occasionally... Kole tangs are extremely sensitive to any change what so ever. Mine gets the same spots when bullied by other inhabitants... If you have a healthy system it'll go away in a few days. The first thing is to find out source of stress. It's easy for me, I have two other tangs that are bullies