Hi Guys and Gals!


Hey all!

I am relatively new to the saltwater side of fishkeeping. I started out freshwater with a 3 1 inch red bellied piranha and sold them when they reached 7 inches. I got into more difficult piranha (sanchezi, and eigenmanni) but as fun as it was i was enthralled with saltwater tanks. Last year i set up a 20tall and had 2 false percs and an assortment of zoas. Unfortunately my lights fell into the tank when i had my mom taking care of my fish( she was fine) so i started from scratch after. I now have the 20 and just bought an oceanic 30 cube with a cpr hob fuge and a coralife 150w halide from aquarium gallery. Well sorry for the essay but just wanted to say hi to everyone and i look forward to getting my 30 looking great and cant wait for comments once i get some pics up!!!
i still cant figure out how to upload pics to the thread but here are a couple on photo bucket!:)

Just click the "IMG code" to copy the link then paste it in your post.

Picture 4.png
if you look at photobucket it has 4 different links. if you just copy the one that says 'IMG code' and paste it here that will put the pic directly into the thread.
like this:
btw I noticed that venturi adapter on your maxijet there. Did you get it locally or online? The only place I can find one is premiumaquatics.com and I really don't feel like ordering only that. :p
thanks for the comments and the picture help guys! in regards to the venturi adapter i actually got a pretty good deal from aquarium gallery on the entire tank setup. It was there old display and it came with the cpr fuge with skimmer, powerheads including the venturi adapter, stealth heater, and a coralife 150w clamp on halide.The halide was broken so they are getting me a replacement but it was a good deal for 750 i think.the tanks an oceanic 30.

ill try to post a couple more pics now that i know how!!!!:)
just picked up my current sunpod 150w! the light is 14k and im supplementing with my actinics. the shimmer is awsome ill get some new pics up and running
Did a little rearranging of my rockwork because i wanted more of a cove design so i could put less light tolerant corals under the shelf. I also thought i would share a couple pics of the folks who live in the tank. I have an algae blenny, a false perc, and a pink spotted goby at the moment. My blenny has an awsome personality he will sit on his tail in the front of the tank and watch me as i am doing homework. Hope you guys enjoy the pics! sorry for the quality





Pink spotted goby:

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