
This website is selling a bunch of really cool sounding creatures. Has anyone used any of this stuff? Is the price worth it?

I was looking at the sandbed clams as a fuge addition, or the Strombus maculatus as a detritivore in the main tank. A friend might be joining me to order a few items, but I saw the website -before- I looked at the price.... (ack) (100 bucks for 9 things!)

Anyone ever head of Seabunnies?! LoL
I got the sand, wondermud, pods and worms. The pods all got eaten by my Braz. gramma, but I have cool red spagetti worms all over the sand bed and some nice bristleworms.
no seabunnies, ha.
im willing to bet you get a lot of that stuff from members here or from an LFS for a lot cheaper. The only different is that they wouldn't have such cutesy names for them all. :p
Trochus intextus <---grazing snail.
Strombus maculatus <-- ditto
opisthobranch <--- aka watch tank to get the lady frisky
Anyone got any other cool detritovores?
I ordered Live Sand Activator Plus, MiniStars, ReefWorms Diversity Package and Coralline Algae Booster back in February. It was a total waste of my hard earned money ($156.00). The quantity and quality are ridiculous and it did nothing to add diversity to my tank.
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