I think my fish is on cocaine... or sick?


Tim- 2020- Secretary, 2019 BRS President
BRS Member
Alright, so my fish got this last week and a freaked out for a bit, but he is happy, eating, swimming around like normal... and no other signs of issues.


I know the picture is crap, but my coral beauty's lips are white. 3reef and other forums mention it but they say it is fuzzy. My fish just has white lips. I am wondering if he got stung by a coral since I saw him licking a chalice. Hasn't really tried any other corals.

No other fish is affected, no signs of stress. Just cocaine covered top lip! Anyone encounter this before? Any idea what it is/what happened?

Thanks for the input and happy reefing!

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I have been looking for my watch lately, but no dubstep. Maybe he is countering the weight loss and apatite loss by token it up...

Anywho! Better pictures below



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He might've tried to catch something off a rock or sand and injured his mouth. My clowns had that for a while because I didn't have frozen food and they wouldn't eat pellets at the time
Thanks Chris, that is the type of injury I was leaning towards. How long did it take for them to heal?

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It is a fungal infection called saprolegnia that appears as cottony tufts near the mouth or on the fins of the fish. If it gets really bad, it will affect the fish feeding and will cause to the fish to starve. When it gets to this point, you may take the fish out and use a cotton swab soaked with iodine medication or copper medication.
On mine it looked like they lost the color on the lips not anything growing on them.
Not sure if that's how it starts off as. I just fed food with garlic and they got better.
What about quarantining and treating with copper or some other meds?

And throw a straw and a razor blade in there too so he can party properly next time...
It does' look fuzzy and has actually gotten better. He still eats normal and is swimming around like nothing is wrong.

I would worry if I gave him the razor he would try to rob the other fish or clear off some coralline to get a nice clean surface to use!

I don't have a QT tank set up , but if it does start to affect his feeding I will set it up and try the iodine treatment. I don't want to use copper again after last time (lost almost everything from my lack of experience).

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