is it worth it to set up a 20 gallons refugium?


Hello everyone.

I got some questions regarding the refugium. I can't take care of my big tank anymore, so i am taking it down and just get up a 40 gallons breeder with some zoa and lps that I already. I am thinking of setting up a 20 gallons tank as a refugium for this 40 breeder. So there will be exactly 15 gallons of water in that 20 gallons refugium. I want to put alot of sea plants? algae in this refugium to help export some of the proteins and grow some pods for my fishes.
1) is it really worth it? since it is so tiny, only 15 gallons of water.
2) What is the best algae to put in that refugium to help export protein?

Ever since I put in my DIY mini intank refugium my tank has never looked better. Levels are all zero or undetectable on my kits. I used to have 10-15 for nitrates and within a week or two I had zero. I'd say do it without hesitations!
Ever since I put in my DIY mini intank refugium my tank has never looked better. Levels are all zero or undetectable on my kits. I used to have 10-15 for nitrates and within a week or two I had zero. I'd say do it without hesitations!

Pictures? or link to build?
speciman container... the same things that LFS use to trap and bag fish in. It cost me under $10 and I just used an extra old powerhead...