It's been a long time!!

Chris L

Nano reefing
BRS Member
Hello everyone, its been a long time since i have been on or around here. I have had some big life changing events over the last few years and i am finally back to a good place and i need to scratch this itch i have had for a looooong time now! I need a tank again lol. I am not sure who is still around but fel free to say hi whether your new or old to the site.

also could someone please tell me how to change my screen name as i have not worked at seaworld for a while and they also no longer exist.

and also to change my signature line since i have no tanks at all right now lol

and Hi everyone!!
Welcome Back! Good to hear that your in a better place.

I remember you from at least 15 years back when I jumped back in my third or fourth time around.

See you around.
Hey Chris, welcome back.

You can change your sig yourself. Click on "Settings" in the very top right corner of the screen.
Look at the menu bar on the left. Click on "Edit signature"
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Welcome back in Chris. I remember we use to have so much fun at seaworld!! It's billy! Remember when you and I put fish orders away on New Year's Eve at midnight? Man I miss that place sometimes! Haha much fun. When you get your tank back up and running again let me know, ill hook you up with some nice freebies!
And Chris when you get your tank and your ready to set it up let me know I'll help you set it up again. It will be like the old days at Seaworld when you, tony, and I would stay overnight fixing all the plumbing on the systems!
LOL Yeah that was a great night, i remember hearing the ball drop on the radio coming back from boston airport with a truck full of fish, i would have been there till the morning if you didnt come in and help me lol.
Welcome back, hope all is well

I am sure you will be stepping to run for the BOD again ;)
Welcome back! I am new here but good to see a solid member back into the team to work with us. Anything u can do to help you out please let me know and I am there!
thanks everyone, i am going to ease in slowly lol, no running for bod or anything else right now lol........although i do miss the vp of pr job lol
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