Just not excited..thoughts on next evolution of tank

Selecting and creating a specific ecosystem/biotope with species that would be found together in nature would provide a problem to first research and then pursue. Perhaps you jusst need to recognize it is a 3 to 5 year project for you in order to keep challenging and expanding your knowledge.
Well I'm going on vacation soon so I'm not doing much until after. I will likely have a ton of frags to sell as I had to cut a lot of stuff to stop stn.
So what are the issues with a multi nem tank.
Different species? I've had flower and rbta together but what about carpet and sebae?
Zoas as well? I am aware they could get parked on but what about chemical warefare?
Could non clown fish be threatened in a tank so dominated by nems they can't find a place to hide?
I have an 8 inch clam I'd like to keep. Here's an idea, saw this tank doing a nem only tank search

1 thing is for sure. i'll be tearing down and starting almost from scratch. i'm going to keep most of my fish. i am borrowing a 100g stock tank from a friend and i have a 55 as well to keep everyone happy while i do this. i'll be selling any sps coral i have left and get the tank plumbed and change anything i've wanted to over the years but never had the inclination to do while full. will completely remove sand and replace or maybe not replace at all....

one thing im thinking about... my tank is in wall and I'm trying to decide weather to move it out about a foot to have a 1 foot viewing angle from the side....its a lot of work for minimal gain but ascetics counts for a lot here.
also i am almost thinking of returning to MH lighting. my leds are fine but there was just something about high end MH that just cant be beat....

going to start at the end of the month as soon as i figure weather im buying a new car or fixing my current one (major oil leak).

anyway if anyone has any crazy ideas I'd love to hear them.
I'm back to this unexcited feeling again. The tank is fine but even with the automation I feel I'm spending too much time and money on something I'm neither excited about. I'm debating taking it down and maybe going with a 40 breeder in the future.

Maybe a smaller biotope or an all nem tank.

I don't know though.
I had to quit. 3 years ago minus a month.....

I could put a vivarium where the tank is now and do a 20l nem tank...
Don't have an answer for you other than when I got disillusioned I got a nano or scaled back. Been doing this 1999 so I've quit at least a dozen times but I still have the bug.
I just did I vivarium I am very happy with how it turned out.

I've always wanted to do a salt water tide tank.... With a tide changing with moon, wave generator, crabs etc the whole 9

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I've been very bored with it all lately. I've come to expect it once in a while and just wait till it passes. So far it always has.
yesterday I was re-arranging some stuff and I found a tiny little clam attached to a rock . it's things like that that I really enjoy about this hobby . If you don't enjoy watching things grow then I don't know
I've been very bored with it all lately. I've come to expect it once in a while and just wait till it passes. So far it always has.

I've experienced this too. For example when I started this thread back in the fall I was here the rebuild got me interested but now that it's done I'm falling back. But I gotta say I feel I'm spending too much money vs time enjoyed. So maybe a small biotope like bobfin suggested
I'm back to this unexcited feeling again. The tank is fine but even with the automation I feel I'm spending too much time and money on something I'm neither excited about. I'm debating taking it down and maybe going with a 40 breeder in the future.

Maybe a smaller biotope or an all nem tank.

I don't know though.

I've been doing this since 1999. I've had small, med and large tanks. I finally settled on a 40 breeder for the last three years. Great size and not too much of a choir to take care of. Everything is automated with dosing pumps, ato, etc.
I like this idea. Right now I feel I'm roughly $100 to $150 a month going into the tank. And I don't feel like I'm getting $100 a month enjoyment from it. I'll bet I could run a 40 b for about $40 or $50 a month.
Go see the movie "Finding Dori". Maybe it'll re-spark your interest.
Finding Nemo was what got me into this money pit!