Just saying hey

Joel A

Started over.
hey everyone, im a new member here and i just wanted to introduce myself.

You can call me Jay, if you like or joander is fine too. I have only been in the SW reefing hobby for about a year now, but local reef clubs (like this one) come highly recommended to me from other forums. I live in North Easton Mass, which is about 25 miles south of boston, and right next to brockton.

Just thought that i would introduce myself, and say hello.

Hey Jay,


to the Boston Reefers' Society!

Tell us about your tank! :)
Tell us about your tank! :)

well, right now i have a 6 gallon mantis set-up... sitting on my desk (cool little bugger) and also a 14 gallon nano reef. Im very close to finishing my 110 gallon as well, just need to finish the overflow plumbing, and then buy LR/LS... Then cycle her 8). I also have various freshwater tanks as well.... but there a lot less interesting lol.
yes, yes, like they all said, welcome.

and may you be blessed with enough insight that you might leave this hobby before it swallows you whole.

Wallet first :)

Just kidding. Welcome.