Lettuce Nudi food


I got a free lettuce nudi with an order I placed. I love sea slugs and hares. This lil guy is sweet. I want to keep him around and get a couple more, but I need to get him some food. What can I buy to put in the tank for him to eat?

I have him in a safe tank that doesn't have much algae left in it. If I put him in my tank of death... well... he wouldn't last long. Between the eels, hawkfish, puffers, and lion fish... he would be gone as soon as he hit the water.

Let me know soon so I can get him some food!

Thanks in advance!

Here's the lil man. I took a pic of him for the books.

They eat solely bryopsis and then use the chloroplasts from it to make it's own food so strong lighting is needed as well.
cool nudi

Thanks man. He is a cool lil dude. I am wanting to find a spotted sea hare. I found one of those when I was down on the island of San Salvador for marine research. He was 6 inches long. I have a pic of him, but it isn't digital. It is a scan off a 35mm camera. Still, he is pretty sweet. Know anyplace to find one maybe?
They eat solely bryopsis and then use the chloroplasts from it to make it's own food so strong lighting is needed as well.

Is there anything I can buy to throw in there until I can get some algae growing. I'm new to having tanks with other than just fish in them.
If you can find someone that will give you some bryopsis it should be fine. Bryopsis is a hair algae that most people do their best to get rid of btw.
If you can find someone that will give you some bryopsis it should be fine. Bryopsis is a hair algae that most people do their best to get rid of btw.

Sweet... I will hit up the stores tomorrow and check with some other buddies to see if they have any of it they can get rid of.

Do you just let it free float in the tank or what?

Thanks for all the help so fast too!!
It would probably be best to attach it to something so you will know where it is and whether or not it has been eaten.
I need to find out if any of my friends have any algae at all. My friends watch their tanks like hawks. They don't let anything grow in them unless they want it too.

I am gonna hit up the marine stores to see if I can find any. I just got my nudi a couple days ago, so hopefully he will be alright. He cruises around the tank like it is his job. I also set my light timer on that tank to be on longer than normal... pretty much from 5 AM to 12 PM in hopes to grow some algae for him to eat.