WTB Looking for asterinas to feed Harlequin


Have hungry Harlequin that usually eats CC starfish but don't have access to any right now and would love a giant bag of asterina starfish. Willing to pay for the effort in retrieving them. Thanks.
Are those the small stars in the tank?
I have about 50 or more of them I think.
If you are interested, you can have them for free.
Pick up in boston.
Yea, exactly those little hard whiteish-grey stars that hang out all over the glass. That'd be great, how do people connect on here, through a direct message?
Sorry I should have specified I’m in Somerville. Prob not worth the drive out to the cape but I appreciate the thought!

I guess I could have said (and now saying) I’m willing to pay for someone to go through the effort/fees of bagging and shipping them my way (I assume they’re pretty durable), but that makes me pretty lazy. It’s too bad all the clean up crew sites don’t sell pest starfish that reefers debate eat zoas!
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