Lugol's - What Does It Do?


So, who uses it and for what purpose? I remember Greg saying in a previous thread that he dips incoming corals in it. For what purpose? Does it kill of flatworms or other nasties?
Iodine is slightly toxic to lots of things, but mostly I think it's an antimicrobial. So it'll kill oportunistic and pathogenic microbes, fungi, etc.

It's less effective against things like redbugs and flatworms.

I use SeaChem Reef Dip (which I believe is mostly Lugols), as part of my new frag procedure.

NateHanson said:
I use SeaChem Reef Dip (which I believe is mostly Lugols), as part of my new frag procedure.

Same here... I do a ReefDip bath (double the strength and double the time indicated on the bottle, rinsing them in tank water outside the tank afterwards) as the last step of my "incoming corals" procedure.
