need some advice/help


ok how u guys doing im new to the hobby of reef tank and right now im using no additives like mag calc and stuff like that and im hearing from my lfs that just doing regular water changes and good salt mix is all i need for my starter corals i have polyps feather dusters and mushrooms atm and im running 5 watts per gallon lighting and also 2 power heads that run at 3200 gph in my 150 tank with about 200 lbs of live rock is this true or false and any helpful information would be great also have some mini carpet annenomes

secound question i have i was given a dwarf coral angel fish and curious if she will be fine in my reef tank or not and if not hahaha how would i catch her with all my rock work and caverns
welcome to BRS.with the stock u have yes u can maintain your tank with regular water change.if your cal,mag,alk stay steady then there is no need to add anything.I run a mix reef and don't dose anything cause my parameter stay steady.i do a 15% water change every 2 weeks.what kind of light r u running?MH,LED,T5.
as you get more into the hobby u will likely need to monitor and dose these additives

if you have just softies you should be ok with frequent water changes
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