new brain /lobo not sure not happy


Hey guys
just looking for some thoughts.
i purchased a whole bunch of corals over the last 2 weeks to stock my 125. there is one though i can not get to open up. Not sure why.
i believe it is a brain or lobo. I bought it from jays and it was very happy and opened up huge. IT was located in the bottom right corner of his tank.

now i have it in the tank and have tried moving it around high light low light cant seem to get it to open
any thoughts would be appreciated.
My brain was under 4 54 watt ati t5 bulbs 16 inches down and i bleached it. Now it's under a cave(soooo much less light) and all of its color is back, and puffs up like it should. Just make sure it's low light low flow and no fish making it angry.
i noticed when i first got it my yellow tang was picking at it. I dont see him bother it any more though. I have put him in a cave scenero where it gets less light hoping that helps make it happy. I am running three echotech lights at about 65%
i will leave it in this spot for another few days and see what happens.
When it was in jays tank it was in the corner out in the open. He had those white ficture led on it. I dont think they were ai? but they seemed pretty intense.
turn off your pumps, squirt some food on it and wait about 30 minutes before turning the pumps back on. generally speaking, they like low light/low flow so i would find a good spot in the sandbed away from other corals that can sting it ( some corals have long sweeper tenticles at night ) as well as away from anything it can puff up and bump into. fish picking on them wont help the situation either. HTH