New Girl


I bought a used Red Sea Max 130D after Christmas and have been scouring the forums doing my best to get this thing rolling. I had a SW set up years ago but it was very primitive and I really didn't have the time or money to put into it. Now I'm an empty nester looking for a new hobby. I've had fish my whole life and I'm really into fish ponds also. The top of my used tank is a little banged up. I thought I could live with it but it's bothering me. If anyone has a lead on a used top (in better condition) I would love to hear it. Thanks...see you around

I tried to post a pic...i'll have to work on that lol
Welcome Aboard! Check out the forum header often for local meetings and speakers.

Good luck and see you around.
Welcome aboard :)

Pics can be tricky. They have to be resized to the specific size. (cant remeber size limit off hand) But it tells you the size limit in the error message.

Alot of people also use outside photo hosting groups like photobucket etc, then remotely link the pic
Is there someone that has a MAC OS that can do up screen shots with directions and put them into a .pdf... then we can attach them to the site somewhere. tx

BTW... Sushi62 is using a MAC...

I'm doing a practice upload....this is 3 weeks ago
I'm going to take a pic today when it's looking pretty....It doesn't even look like the same tank anymore :)
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