New to Boston Reefers. Looking to meet interesting people.


Hello everyone. My name's Ramiro and I'm 21 years old with some college under my belt. I'd like to become a marine biologist. All I have right now is a 30gallon with PCs, some easy soft corals and a lot of live rock. I'm interested in setting up another reef (I was thinking a 75 or atleast a 55) with halides and stony corals but I thought I should join this club and attend some meeting first to try to learn as much as I can and hopefully save money by buying the best gear at the best place.

Other interests of mine include poison arrow frogs, and breeding small aquarium fish. I'm a regular at the Boston Aquarium Society meetings.

Hey Ramiro, you came to the right place to find some "interesting" people.:D
Ramiro, Welcome to the BRS, Im sure you will find that everyone here is great and willing to help with pretty much anything you need. So if you have questions , ask! There is no such thing as a stupid one...

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I would say that we have lots of "interesting" people, some of those being strange - but all in all, it's a great, helpful crowd. I've always been amazed at the combined knowledge, and the lengths that people will go to when you need help.
