New to BRS Forums and an ID request


I am a lurker turned poster. I'm from the Boston area. I work as a tattooer full-time and a vet tech part-time because I can be a work-a-holic. I have a nanocube at home, a pico at the shop that I am about to upgrade to a 6G and a goldfish tank. My pets with feet include my beloved geriatric pitbull, Tallulah and my two troublemaking cats. :)

I am looking forward to learning from these forums!

In the meantime, the LFS suggested I post this ID request on this board as nano-reef wasn't sure and she wasn't sure either.

The background is...
I came home to find my 3inch T. Derasa on its side and in trouble, the next day it was dead.

70w Sunpod MH
gh 180
kh 240
ph 8.4
no2 0
no3 0
salinity 1.024
temp 76
calcium is 550ppm
the tank has been established for about 10 months.

all other inhabitants look great.

So, I did a fw dip and little weird bugs came out. My camera could not get a good pic of them but I brought them to work today and looked at them under the microscope and drew them... here it is... what do you think?

Thank you!


  • weirdbug.jpg
    58.7 KB · Views: 453
OOh thank you so much for the speedy reply, I have been fretting for days wondering if they were something bad.
they might be sphaeromatid isopods. i originally thought they were tiny chitons until I saw the legs today. they are about 2mm at most, oval, flattish and clearish... (with maybe some guts). The eyes looked so cool under the microscope they were just so unlike any of the usual pods I see. I wanted to make sure they weren't anything parasitic.

thanks again!
why hello!

if it was for a tattoo of course, i would have made it a bit neater and more symmetrical. I work at Pino Bros Ink in Inman Sq, Cambridge, MA.
I have a 2.5G Pico in my booth but it sortof defunct right now due to salnity issues and electrical leak. (3 days in a row every week without me was NOT GOOD on a tank so small) I brought everything home and I'm waiting for my new nano-customs NC6 gallon! So the 2.5G is now a coralline farm and cuc holding area... SOON my clients will be able to enjoy the soothing sights of a of a zoa and shroom garden while I work on them :)

well... i don't know. i tend to do A LOT of flowers (not that I don't like them)... but i LIKE doing traditional americana a lot (skulls, roses, coffins etc)... or stuff with lots of shading... :) I tend to be pretty versatile. I tend towards doing peoples 1st tattoos (i'm not scary) and then stuff that is a little bit different/artsy. OH, I like doing animal tattoos too, but not the realistic eagle/wolf variety... or (under construction)

someone on nano-reef wants me to work on his reef sleeve because some tattooer made a clown look like a smudge which then had to be turned into a moray eel or something to that effect.

Anyway I'm so excited I finally posted, there seems to be a lot of activity on this forum!

dude i just looked at the inside of your shop and realized i've been there before!
somebody has a really friendly little dog, one of the guys at the front had a broken arm for awhile, and an older gentleman named Ian Caperton used to maintain that aquarium in the lobby (now maintained by his protege Richard Pasek).
i didn't know you worked there! my friend Dima got a custom tat there a year or so back of a Ukrainian symbol. were you there then?
lol small town we live in, apparently.
yes boston is a small town

ive been at pinos since early 2005.
yes, ian was a really really cool guy.
rich is doing a good job too but I haven't seen him in a while (maybe I pestered him too much with tank questions... :) )
AND steve actually worked on that tank before too.

the little dog tanaka is gone as is his owner. sometimes kurt brings his puppy in, lucy (bulldog). yep! kurts hand was broken, my hand was broken, so was brian's. it seems to be the curse when you finally go pro to break your hand and then be poor for a couple months!

i;ve done some ukrainian paper cut designs before but I don't think I tattooed your friend!

gee now I feel a pressure to make my new shop tank BEAUTIFUL :)

ps. genkireefer you are right I think.. harlequin shrimp! I wathed them dance on youtube.... its a little creepy in a silence of the lambs sort of way though...
huh. now that you mention it, they do seem kind of creepy. creepy but fascinating... you put it into words beautifully. lol silence of the lambs. one of my fav's.
if you listen carefully, occasionally you'll hear "it puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again" in the store. funny as hell!
well eventually, i'll be in there again. or you'll be in skippy's again!
cheers, michelle
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so are you the one tattooing tom bradys helmet on his head?:) im a big fan of tats,and the pats, but thats crazy

I never heard about the tom brady helmet head tattoo... :)
hahaha. no. not me. i have done my share of boston B's and redsox sox.
I did hear of someone getting a dolphin tattoo who was a pats fan and at the last minute freaked out that she was getting a dolphin tattoo and had the tattooer put a pats helmet on it...
welcome, tattoed and screwed reefer here too, I replaced my addiction of tats with that of something less painful yet more expensive go figure, been getting tatted since 1991 mostly in RI and few from Fat Rom back in the day when he was doing parties before it went legal in MA. Welcome to our crazy little familia
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