Newbie - Biocube 14 Refugium Question


Hi all.
I've never had a saltwater tank before.
I just got my first tank Coralife biocube 14 , in the process of setting it up now . ( Day 2 )

My tank has - live sand about 2'' , 10lbs live rock , temp at 79 , so far.
I want to build a reef tank w/ a few fish - shrimps - sps's and soft corals etc.

Should I get rid of my bioballs now and do a refugium in chamber 2 since the tank is new ,from what I've read bioballs are not the best way to go.
I'm not sure whats better for chamber 2 -- Filter floss, Chaeto, ( Chemi-Pure Elite or live rock pebbles) for the bottom.

what's the maintenance is involved with either one ( should I get a In-tank media basket ) or if one way is better for the health of the tank
Looking for the best way to go so I dont have to do something major to the tank down the road.

Hi, I also have a biocube 14 that has not had a problem for over 3 years. First, keep it stock. Chamber 1,2,3 going from right to left. Chamber 3 having the return water flow. Use a small 50 watt heater in chamber 1. Chamber 2, use 4 or 5 bioballs on the bottom. Purchase a 6.5 ounce bag of Chemi-Pure Elite. Wash it off in your sink throughly as there is so much carbon dust on these. Wash under running water for atleast 4 minutes. Place the Chemi-pure on top of the bioballs. Place another layer of 4 or 5 bio balls on that. Noy you need a small package of Purigen. This will go on top of those bio balls. Purigen can be reused. I soak mine in bleach solution once every 3 months. Then soak in fresh water for 24 hours. Then rinse for 5 minutes. The instructions do not stress enough about rinsing. Change Chemi-pure every six months. they say every month, but trust me, 6 months is fine

Do a 4 gallon water change every month.

I also add a nana two part supplement .Kent Marine Nano Reef Part A & B. I use 2ml every 2 days.

That's it! I have never had algae probs, spikes etc. Have a very small clean up crew. 2 snails and 2 blue or red leg hermits. I have kept seahorses, clams, mandarins, zoas, shrooms sps and lps in this tank with no problem. My current project is a simple breeding of 2 black clowns. A few members have seen this tank and were very impressed with the simplicity and the results. Don't get cought up in the money trap. Try simple first.

Good luck!

I also have a couple of biocubes. My middle chamber consists of rock rubble, a purigen pillow and occasionally a phosphate pad.
I just set up a BioCube 14 around the first of the year. I would say, as many will, take your time and you will be happy with the result. I first broke to false bottom out the chamber 1 in order fit a heater, which I have since removed from the tank, no heater needed for this tank, the stock lights provide more than enough. I ditched the bio balls, and made a DIY media rack to fit in chamber 2 for filter floss, Chemi-pure, purigen, etc. I had some chunks left over so I dropped them in the bottom. Chamber 3 is left stock. I would also recommend, along with the contributors here at BRS, using as a resource, I frequented there regularly during the setup, of mine. Feel free to pm with any questions I'm happy pass along any tricks or issues I have come across to this point.

- xtreem -
What do you have for light? I have been told that sps and clams would do well under the stock lighting. Also, how did your mandarins do, did they eat prepared foods or did you have to routinely restock pods?
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I like all your suggestions except no heater. The stock lights will not keep the tank warm enough unless you run them 24/7. For budget heaters, WalMart sells a nice little Tetra heater that is automatically set for 78 degrees. It's strong enough to keep the tank warm and too weak to overheat even if it fails. That is what I use on my smaller Biocubes.

The stock light is good for lps, but I would't suggest it for a clam. If you do try one, keep it very high and make sure you change the bulbs frequently. PC bulbs tend to change their spectrum quickly as they get older.
I keep my lights on a timer, the actinic is on from 12-10 and the 10,000K is on from 1-9. I keep the house temp between 70-74, the tank never goes below 78 which is first thing in the morning after lights are off all night and the house is the coolest. For the most part the tank under those lighting times drifts between 79-81, no heater at all. I'm sure a main heat contributor is the stock pump, I do notice that if I let the water level fall into the lower half of the zone the temp rises quickly.

14g fills up quick, I am happy without the sps(I meant sps in my for post not lps), I have a 2 headed frogspawn, that is doing great and growing quickly. I wouldn't mind trying my hand at a small clam for a while until it gets to big but haven't read many long term sucess stories that didn't include a lighting upgrade.
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